L’Officina Meccanica TADDE is present in the leather and leather since 1995. The services we offer to the Tanneries, for which we are particularly specialized, ranging from direct technical assistance on the spot of any type of machinery, to repair, overhaul and reconditioning, modifications and updating technical and construction necessary for the adjustment the rules on the safety of the machines themselves.

L’Officina Meccanica TADDEI Officina  ago timely intervention of a strength incontestable, thereby reducing the time required for the repair and allowing the client to resume as soon as their production cycle.


Our activity


Our Works

Tannery Machines Unik Pel 2000 4000 6000 8000

Tannery Machines, UNIK PEL

Tannery Machines Unik Pel mini 200 400 600 1200

Tannery Machines, Unik PEL MINI

Pneumatic and Electric Scissors

Pneumatic and Electric Scissors, Pneumatic and Electric Scissors


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